posted 9/30/08
This could effect you!
The Artists Foundation (AF) is working very closely with several artists run advocacy organizations on tracking and advocating on the Orphan Works 2008 Federal Legislation. The proposed legislation, if it passes as it is now written, will change US copyright law. Such a change, as it is now written, will negatively impact artists of all disciplines (literary, visual, music, etc.), as well as every US citizen. There are two bills - one filed in the House H.R. 5889 and one in the Senate S. 2913. The bills differ from each other BUT both bills are highly problematic and should not pass as they are now written.
It is very important to note that the crafters of the legislation are trying to pass them before the legislative session ends.
Where the pieces of legislation are now:
The House Bill- On 5/7/08- the House IP Subcommittee unanimously approved H.R. 5889 by a voice vote, and it has moved to the House Judiciary Committee. There were no needed corrective changes made to the legislation (as of this date by the Subcommittee).
The Senate Bill- On 5/15/08- the Senate Judiciary Committee unanimously reported S. 2913 out favorably with no needed corrective changes made to the legislation. A new version of S.2913 was introduced on Friday, Sept 26 in the afternoon in an effort to pass it in the Senate. In the late afternoon/early evening of 9/26/08 the Senate passed S.2913*
*OF particular note is that this was the weekend that Congress was trying to address the wall street/financial crisis.
Challenge Grant
Let's Win This Challenge!
Earlier this year LANES was the recipient of a challenge made by a generous and anonymous person who believes passionately in the power and potential of storytelling.
Our kind benefactor will match all contributions to a maximum total of $5,000. If we meet this challenge $10,000 will be added to our bank account.
As of September 1,members of the LANES BOARD of Directors have contributed $1200, leaving $3,800 to be added by deadline of December 31,2008. Achieving this goal makes it a valuable tool beyond its dollar amount. We can use it to show potential funders that LANES has the active support and participation of storytellers and listeners throughout region.
Your participation in claiming this gift is essential. Everyone is encouraged to make a single contribution or, if it is more convenient , a monthly or bimonthly donation. Consider making a contribution in honor or in memory of someone special. Your support,regardless of the amount,is welcomed and deeply appreciated.
Anyone with questions is welcome to contact me at . Please help us challenge and keep LANES growing. All contributions to this LANES grant challenge are tax deductible. LANES is federally recognized 501(c)(3).
Catherine Conant
Please make your checks out to LANES and send checks by snail mail to
The League for the Advancement of New England Storytelling,Inc. (LANES)
411A Highland Avenue, #351
Somerville,Mass. 02144